The logo was kindly drawn and given to the club by Janis Ward (Laurenley) and we thank her very much for it.
This is the Home Page for the Berkshire Downs and Chilterns Golden Retriever Club
Click on the Logo to enter.
BD&CGRC is a Golden Retriever Breed Club with approximately 300 members. The friendly Committee comprises members with over 150 years of dedicated service to the club between them. That doesn't sound a lot, but when you realise that they total only seven in number, it does put things into perspective.
It also highlights our need for members to commit to joining the Committee. It does not require too much effort, just devoting five to seven days a year to Club activities, and four evenings for meetings.
If you are a member and can or would like to help in the organisation of those events, please contact a Committee Member.
We are very pleased to welcome two new committee members: Anthony Trinder and Ann Wilkes.
Ann is our new Membership Secretary.
Please contact her for any membership enquiries.
Ann Wilkes
'Brookside', Muckley, Acton Round, Bridgnorth, Shropshire. WV16 4RW. 01746 714238
Personal information held by the Club, will be used solely for the purposes of holding membership lists, printing labels for mailing and providing information required by the Kennel Club. This data remains confidential and will not knowingly be passed to third parties.
Visit the Field Trials Information page for links to download the schedules.