Obedience Training Day with Neil Short
Saturday 20th September 2014
On behalf of the club, I organised an obedience training day at Chieveley Village Hall, near Newbury, with Neil Short. Neil is the only person, to date, to have made up 2 Golden Retriever Obedience Champions, but his dogs are first and foremost family pets. I was introduced to Neil and his training methods a number of years ago and still have yet to find a trainer who makes obedience training such fun and such a joy, that you learn so much without realising!
A dozen brave handlers and a number of spectators arrived, not quite knowing what to expect, but after introducing themselves and telling us about their dogs, they were soon up on the floor in small groups and with Neil's enthusiastic training (and a small amount, or not, of mickey taking!) were soon smiling and laughing and enjoying themselves.
The morning session flew by and what was going to be coffee break became lunch time! As the weather was very mild the hall became quite warm to work in so we decided to move outside for the afternoon, which gave us much more room to work. After a quick recap of the mornings work, everyone, including spectators, were up in groups pushing the work on. Very quickly, the smiles appeared and the laughter could be heard – who'd have thought obedience training could be such fun?! The end of the day came all too soon and people made their way home with, hopefully, lots to think about , a smile and a chuckle and tired dogs!
It was a pleasure to organise this day and to be able to sit back and watch people being as inspired and encouraged as, I know, I was the first time I trained with Neil. It was wonderful to see all of you AND your dogs thoroughly enjoying yourselves and I thank all of you who came for entering into the spirit of things and making it such an enjoyable day.
I know Neil enjoyed his day and the feedback I've received has been positive, so if the interest is there I would happily organise another day – just let the me or the club know.
Hilary Scoggins